Festival of the Beata in Valldemossa

Valldemossa a la Serra de Tramuntana de Mallorca

Photographer: José Juan ‘Potti’ Luna – CC BY-NC 2.0 Creative Commons


The festival of the Beata, which is held on 28 July in memory of Saint Catalina Tomàs, is the most important event in Valldemossa. There is a draw to select a 6-year-old girl born in Valldemossa to represent the saint, along with the 3-year-old angels, who travel in a carriage, followed by a procession of people singing Sor Tomasseta. At the square of Plaça de la Cartoixa there are short theatrical performances on the life of the saint.

Song of Sor Tomasseta:

She brought dinner (Ella portava el dinar)
To the poor harvesters (a los pobres segadors)
And the jealous demon (I el dimoni envejós)
Threw it to the ground (en terra li va tirar)
So she picked it up again (ella el va tornar aixecar)
And it was even tastier (i va ser més saborós)

The festival of the Beata in Santa Margalida

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