
The works to repair the road from Lluc to Sóller have already begun

The works to repair the road that connects Sóller with Lluc in Mallorca, have already begun. After last 31st of December it was cut, due to a significant sliding of rocks nearby the Binifaldó water source. Currently there are about 12 workers covering the mountainsides with iron meshes. This is a very difficult task, due to the instability and inclination of the ground, forcing operators to work fastened with safety equipment. During the day several security guards prevent people from passing, since the danger of further landslides remains.

From the Consell de Mallorca (Council of Mallorca) it is expected, that in the next few days will begin the withdraw of the large amounts of rocks and earth fallen from the mountain to the road. For now they cannot specify exactly when the traffic will be restored, because so far failed to determine the damage suffered by the pavement.

The other road cut in the Serra de Tramuntana mountains is the one that goes to Cala Tuent, although this one has a precarious and provisional way, allowing to access to the thirty houses of this small village.

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  1. Diario de Mallorca February 22, 2009
  2. MCA Travel March 4, 2009
  3. MCA Travel March 14, 2009
  4. MCA Travel March 21, 2009